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老师生病了祝福语 老师生病了怎么慰问

作者: xiawenxin  2017-05-25 18:07  [查查吧]  来源:www.chachaba.com  




look at you sick pale face, i feel really good pity; you are just like my mother, you sick, sad but in my heart; teacherthank you for so many years, care, wish you a speedy recovery.


the teacher, your body is my care; teacher, your happiness is my hope; teacher, your health is my wish; wishyou will soon recover, go home, go back to where you warm home.


because of life, health, life will become beautiful; life, because there are worried about, life will become more happiness; the teacher, to hear about your diseasefell, i very care, wish you recover at an early date, happiness of life and beautiful.




the teacher, all the time, you are in my life the care; you all, i silently watching you; hear news of the hospital, i am very vibration surprised, i was worried, and sad; teacher, send you greetings, wishing you a speedy recovery and discharged.


you are my god, let me learn a lot of knowledge; i belong to you, give my soul to teach; the teacher, i heard you were ill i have all kinds, miss, much care; the teacher, i wish you a speedy recovery.


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